1955 uncut British Automatic Joe Mercer rookie John Charles Geoff Duke ARSENAL Compton Tom Finney
1955 uncut strip of 8 British Automatic Sportsmen John Charles Geoff Duke Denis Compton ARSENAL Tom Finney,Trevor bailey cricket, Rosalind and Diane Rowe ice skating, J W Kyle Ireland rugby, and a ...
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1955 uncut British Automatic Joe Mercer rookie John Charles Geoff Duke ARSENAL Compton Tom Finney
1955 uncut strip of 8 British Automatic Sportsmen John Charles Geoff Duke Denis Compton ARSENAL Tom Finney,Trevor bailey cricket, Rosalind and Diane Rowe ice skating, J W Kyle Ireland rugby, and a ...
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1955 uncut strip of 8 British Automatic Sportsmen John Charles Geoff Duke Denis Compton ARSENAL Tom Finney,Trevor bailey cricket, Rosalind and Diane Rowe ice skating, J W Kyle Ireland rugby, and a very early card of new star of the turf, Joe Mercer, the young superstar jockey of the era
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