1905 Sheffield Wednesday Dennis & Sons Dainty Series postcard Owlerton
From around 1905, Sheffield Wednesday "Dainty Series" postcard, Owlerton.Dennis & Sons (E T W Dennis & Sons) produced the Dainty Series between 1900 and 1910.Dennis & Sons were produced Britain’s f...
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1905 Sheffield Wednesday Dennis & Sons Dainty Series postcard Owlerton
From around 1905, Sheffield Wednesday "Dainty Series" postcard, Owlerton.Dennis & Sons (E T W Dennis & Sons) produced the Dainty Series between 1900 and 1910.Dennis & Sons were produced Britain’s f...
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From around 1905, Sheffield Wednesday "Dainty Series" postcard, Owlerton.Dennis & Sons (E T W Dennis & Sons) produced the Dainty Series between 1900 and 1910.Dennis & Sons were produced Britain’s first picture postcards in 1894.!
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