1964 Billy Bingham (Sunderland) Northen IrelandAnglo American gum insert by Bell BoyORIGINAL WAX PAPER insertnot the later paper cut outIssued FOLDEDplain backalso a Port Vale, Sunderland Luton tow...
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1964 Billy Bingham (Sunderland) Northen IrelandAnglo American gum insert by Bell BoyORIGINAL WAX PAPER insertnot the later paper cut outIssued FOLDEDplain backalso a Port Vale, Sunderland Luton tow...
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1964 Billy Bingham (Sunderland) Northen IrelandAnglo American gum insert by Bell BoyORIGINAL WAX PAPER insertnot the later paper cut outIssued FOLDEDplain backalso a Port Vale, Sunderland Luton town player
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