From 1952, an early rookie Kubala of Barca on an unused Bruguera "Ases de Futbol" (52 issue) rarity - CREASED as seen but so rare to find unglued. SOLD WITH OBVIOUS FAULTS SOLD AS SEEN
From 1952, an early rookie Kubala of Barca on an unused Bruguera "Ases de Futbol" (52 issue) rarity - CREASED as seen but so rare to find unglued. SOLD WITH OBVIOUS FAULTS SOLD AS SEEN
From 1952, an early rookie Kubala of Barca on an unused Bruguera "Ases de Futbol" (52 issue) rarity - CREASED as seen but so rare to find unglued. SOLD WITH OBVIOUS FAULTS SOLD AS SEEN
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