1930 s *COLLECTION" SerieA champs BOLOGNA 9 cards Majestic Seveso Fim Zaini Ottani Donati Sansone

SPECIAL OFFER; INSTANT COLLECTION of multiple winners of SerieA, many-time champions 1930's BOLOGNA, 9 rare cards by Majestic, Seveso, Fim, Zaini, etc. including stars Geraldo Ottani, World Cup 193... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1930 s *COLLECTION" SerieA champs BOLOGNA 9 cards Majestic Seveso Fim Zaini Ottani Donati Sansone
SPECIAL OFFER; INSTANT COLLECTION of multiple winners of SerieA, many-time champions 1930's BOLOGNA, 9 rare cards by Majestic, Seveso, Fim, Zaini, etc. including stars Geraldo Ottani, World Cup 193... Read more
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Australia NZ far east etc £20
SPECIAL OFFER; INSTANT COLLECTION of multiple winners of SerieA, many-time champions 1930's BOLOGNA, 9 rare cards by Majestic, Seveso, Fim, Zaini, etc. including stars Geraldo Ottani, World Cup 1938 winning medalist Aldo Donati, and x4 SerieA winner Dino Fiorini; as well as the URUGUAY stars Francisco Fedullo AND Raffaele Sansone, etc. SOLD AS SEEN you get 9 cards for 1 price - an utter BARGAIN considering these guys were champs so many times in the 1930's. SOLD AS SEEN with flaws
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