Tesco? Panini?A very unusual item of ephemera associated with two giantmultinationalsc.1990s [?] possibly 2000sTesco shops, supermarket TescoPanini stickersSeries is called "fit 360"A voucher stamp...
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Tesco? Panini?A very unusual item of ephemera associated with two giantmultinationalsc.1990s [?] possibly 2000sTesco shops, supermarket TescoPanini stickersSeries is called "fit 360"A voucher stamp...
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Tesco? Panini?A very unusual item of ephemera associated with two giantmultinationalsc.1990s [?] possibly 2000sTesco shops, supermarket TescoPanini stickersSeries is called "fit 360"A voucher stamp?It is TINY!A tiny cinderella poster stamp, still attached to backing paper
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