1928 Salvi chocolates card Walter Hagen wins British Open Golf championship Italian golfing rarity

A chox card from 1928 Salvi chocolates card shows Walter Hagen at Sandwich golf course winning the 1928 British Open Golf championship - he took also the 1929 but this series dates to 1928 - proved... Read more

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1928 Salvi chocolates card Walter Hagen wins British Open Golf championship Italian golfing rarity
A chox card from 1928 Salvi chocolates card shows Walter Hagen at Sandwich golf course winning the 1928 British Open Golf championship - he took also the 1929 but this series dates to 1928 - proved... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
A chox card from 1928 Salvi chocolates card shows Walter Hagen at Sandwich golf course winning the 1928 British Open Golf championship - he took also the 1929 but this series dates to 1928 - proved by the inclusion of other cards of sporting triumphs from 1927 and early 1928, e.g. Luigi Arcangeli on 2-wheels(1927) not 4-wheels. By 1928 he was in cars, off bikes. Likewise, Varzi and Nuvolari, all shown on bikes. There is also Ferrarin, the flyer - he set a record, flying form Italy-Brazil in 1928; and Henry Seagrave, for his 200mph land speed record, also in 1928, not to mention a card showing de Pra as goalie for Italia (v CH) dated to 1st January 1928, etc..The year of this series is 1928.Sold as seen with wear, with age faults
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