1895 James Jimmy Punch McEwen Luton Town 1st Hatters soccer card, Everton Bury
1895 James Jimmy Punch McEwen Luton Town 1st Hatters soccer card, shaped to fit into a lapel buttonhole, amazing card, maybe the only one extant today, surely the very first Luton Town FC card out ...
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1895 James Jimmy Punch McEwen Luton Town 1st Hatters soccer card, Everton Bury
1895 James Jimmy Punch McEwen Luton Town 1st Hatters soccer card, shaped to fit into a lapel buttonhole, amazing card, maybe the only one extant today, surely the very first Luton Town FC card out ...
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1895 James Jimmy Punch McEwen Luton Town 1st Hatters soccer card, shaped to fit into a lapel buttonhole, amazing card, maybe the only one extant today, surely the very first Luton Town FC card out there. Also, Everton & Bury interest. Sold as seen
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