1926 Jack Hill Burnley Newcastle U Plymouth Boys Mag shield card Famous Footer Clubs 1926-7
1926 Jack Hill Burnley Newcastle United and Plymouth Boys Mag shield card Famous Footer Clubs 1926-7, SOLD AS SEEN, some light faults, one of the rarer ones from this series SOLD AS SEEN
1926 Jack Hill Burnley Newcastle U Plymouth Boys Mag shield card Famous Footer Clubs 1926-7
1926 Jack Hill Burnley Newcastle United and Plymouth Boys Mag shield card Famous Footer Clubs 1926-7, SOLD AS SEEN, some light faults, one of the rarer ones from this series SOLD AS SEEN
1926 Jack Hill Burnley Newcastle United and Plymouth Boys Mag shield card Famous Footer Clubs 1926-7, SOLD AS SEEN, some light faults, one of the rarer ones from this series SOLD AS SEEN
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