1924 LEGEND Juan Armet Kinké Sevilla Spanish Tarot-football card by Orthi Chox
From circa 1924, early legend of the Spanish game (from 1911 he played alongside Zamora, and was still paying in 1946 aged 51!) Juan Armet Kinké for Sevilla, on a Spanish Tarot-football card by Ort...
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1924 LEGEND Juan Armet Kinké Sevilla Spanish Tarot-football card by Orthi Chox
From circa 1924, early legend of the Spanish game (from 1911 he played alongside Zamora, and was still paying in 1946 aged 51!) Juan Armet Kinké for Sevilla, on a Spanish Tarot-football card by Ort...
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From circa 1924, early legend of the Spanish game (from 1911 he played alongside Zamora, and was still paying in 1946 aged 51!) Juan Armet Kinké for Sevilla, on a Spanish Tarot-football card by Orthi Chox, sold as seen
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