1945 -46 Reguzzoni GOLDEN BOOT 1934, Bologna, Fidass card of great rarity Grande Concorso
1945 -46 Reguzzoni GOLDEN BOOT 1934, Bologna, on a Fidass card of great rarity, from the 1st Fidass series, "Grande Concorso". Faults! The card has plenty of handling SOLD AS SEEN.
1945 -46 Reguzzoni GOLDEN BOOT 1934, Bologna, Fidass card of great rarity Grande Concorso
1945 -46 Reguzzoni GOLDEN BOOT 1934, Bologna, on a Fidass card of great rarity, from the 1st Fidass series, "Grande Concorso". Faults! The card has plenty of handling SOLD AS SEEN.
1945 -46 Reguzzoni GOLDEN BOOT 1934, Bologna, on a Fidass card of great rarity, from the 1st Fidass series, "Grande Concorso". Faults! The card has plenty of handling SOLD AS SEEN.
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