Fred Kean Bolton Wanderers Pop Card Popular Magazine 1930
This is from a very rare set of cut-out cards printed in Popular Magazine in 1930. It is one of a set of 12.
In the 1990's Tom Broad and John Allen made a few limted edition sets - 12 I think) whi...
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Fred Kean Bolton Wanderers Pop Card Popular Magazine 1930
This is from a very rare set of cut-out cards printed in Popular Magazine in 1930. It is one of a set of 12.
In the 1990's Tom Broad and John Allen made a few limted edition sets - 12 I think) whi...
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This is from a very rare set of cut-out cards printed in Popular Magazine in 1930. It is one of a set of 12.
In the 1990's Tom Broad and John Allen made a few limted edition sets - 12 I think) which were laminated and then sold.
I'm not sure how many still exist, as I have not seen them before
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