1980 Nottingham Forest gum cards pennant made in Russia
Soviet-made, Soviet-ieeued 1980 Nottingham Forest pennant made in U.S.S.R. Soviet Russia, about the size of a postcard,Issued in blind packets, like gum cards, to be collected as were cards.
1980 Nottingham Forest gum cards pennant made in Russia
Soviet-made, Soviet-ieeued 1980 Nottingham Forest pennant made in U.S.S.R. Soviet Russia, about the size of a postcard,Issued in blind packets, like gum cards, to be collected as were cards.
Soviet-made, Soviet-ieeued 1980 Nottingham Forest pennant made in U.S.S.R. Soviet Russia, about the size of a postcard,Issued in blind packets, like gum cards, to be collected as were cards.
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