1970 UNCUT SHEET 22 British Isles soccer greats: Charles, Woodburn, Matthews etc SUN WC70 SOUVENIR

1970 UNCUT SHEET x22 British Isles soccer greats SUN WC70 SOUVENIR, including Wally Barnes, Danny Blanchflower, Rob Burgess, Stan Matthes,Will Mannion, Archie MacAuley, Johnny Carey, Joe Mercer, Jo... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1970 UNCUT SHEET 22 British Isles soccer greats: Charles, Woodburn, Matthews etc SUN WC70 SOUVENIR
1970 UNCUT SHEET x22 British Isles soccer greats SUN WC70 SOUVENIR, including Wally Barnes, Danny Blanchflower, Rob Burgess, Stan Matthes,Will Mannion, Archie MacAuley, Johnny Carey, Joe Mercer, Jo... Read more
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Australia NZ far east etc £20
1970 UNCUT SHEET x22 British Isles soccer greats SUN WC70 SOUVENIR, including Wally Barnes, Danny Blanchflower, Rob Burgess, Stan Matthes,Will Mannion, Archie MacAuley, Johnny Carey, Joe Mercer, John Charles, Stan Mortensen, Lawrie Reilly, Stan Cullis, Peter Doherty, Frank Swift, Tom Finney, Willie Waddell, Willie Woodburn, George Hardwick, Tommy Lawton, Billy Wright, George Young and Nat Lofthouse INTACT sold as seen- note: the backs are clean, unused; the front is a composite scan due to the item being too long to fit on the scanner. The item is, however, complete as it was when NEW though it has some light handling. Only 1 seen by this seller in 30 years
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