1966WC66 tour itinerary for ItaliansPICS show just sample pages, other pages are not shown.An Italian travel agency guide for its varioustravel-holiday packages to see the World Cup in England, sum...
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1966WC66 tour itinerary for ItaliansPICS show just sample pages, other pages are not shown.An Italian travel agency guide for its varioustravel-holiday packages to see the World Cup in England, sum...
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1966WC66 tour itinerary for ItaliansPICS show just sample pages, other pages are not shown.An Italian travel agency guide for its varioustravel-holiday packages to see the World Cup in England, summer 1966.Including: Scarborough, Chester and Carlisle features!8 sides, including the covers.Not many of these have survived!An unusual piece of World Cup history
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