1966 Eusebio stunning card from West Germany by Kunold USSR v Portugal

Classic gum card from autumn 1966 with Eusebio, made in West Germany and only issued there, by Kunold. Generally good BUT there is an indent and a partial crease to a small part of the card which c... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1966 Eusebio stunning card from West Germany by Kunold USSR v Portugal
Classic gum card from autumn 1966 with Eusebio, made in West Germany and only issued there, by Kunold. Generally good BUT there is an indent and a partial crease to a small part of the card which c... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
Classic gum card from autumn 1966 with Eusebio, made in West Germany and only issued there, by Kunold. Generally good BUT there is an indent and a partial crease to a small part of the card which can be seen when held against the light, if not straight on. Low price due to this. Near-mint would be 500+
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