1966 67 Perfetti JIM CLARK Italian gum card from Italy
1966 67 Perfetti JIM CLARK Italian gum card from Italy, soft corner crease, light handling but generally clean looking SOLD AS SEEN. Date note: Some date these cards as early as 1965! I call them a...
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1966 67 Perfetti JIM CLARK Italian gum card from Italy
1966 67 Perfetti JIM CLARK Italian gum card from Italy, soft corner crease, light handling but generally clean looking SOLD AS SEEN. Date note: Some date these cards as early as 1965! I call them a...
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1966 67 Perfetti JIM CLARK Italian gum card from Italy, soft corner crease, light handling but generally clean looking SOLD AS SEEN. Date note: Some date these cards as early as 1965! I call them a January 1967 issue. They are no later than early 1967.
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