1963/64 Connelly Burnley Anglo gum insert by BellboyORIGINAL WAXY paper issueCoaching Secrets 67plain backFOLDED AS ISSUED, sold folded in two, hence crease is as it was when newConnelly played for...
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1963/64 Connelly Burnley Anglo gum insert by BellboyORIGINAL WAXY paper issueCoaching Secrets 67plain backFOLDED AS ISSUED, sold folded in two, hence crease is as it was when newConnelly played for...
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1963/64 Connelly Burnley Anglo gum insert by BellboyORIGINAL WAXY paper issueCoaching Secrets 67plain backFOLDED AS ISSUED, sold folded in two, hence crease is as it was when newConnelly played for BURY and Blackburn Rovers as well as United and Burnley
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