1962 Anglo American Gum bell Boy Famous Soccer Clubs Sheffield United 31
1962 Anglo American Gum bell Boy Famous Soccer Clubs Sheffield United 31.Often erroneously called 'wrappers' these are ot packets, they are inserts. They were issued folded, wrapped around gum, the...
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1962 Anglo American Gum bell Boy Famous Soccer Clubs Sheffield United 31
1962 Anglo American Gum bell Boy Famous Soccer Clubs Sheffield United 31.Often erroneously called 'wrappers' these are ot packets, they are inserts. They were issued folded, wrapped around gum, the...
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1962 Anglo American Gum bell Boy Famous Soccer Clubs Sheffield United 31.Often erroneously called 'wrappers' these are ot packets, they are inserts. They were issued folded, wrapped around gum, the two sealed within an outer wrapper. Hence, the fold, and often the creases too, are as issued. Plain backs.
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