1961 Gerry Baker USA national soccer team player Scottish A&BC Gum card 36 Hibs
1961 Gerry Baker USA national soccer team player, Scottish A&BC Gum card #36 Hibs SOLD AS SEEN clean card with a a little bit of a rough cut AS issued, as when new. SOLD AS SEEN
1961 Gerry Baker USA national soccer team player Scottish A&BC Gum card 36 Hibs
1961 Gerry Baker USA national soccer team player, Scottish A&BC Gum card #36 Hibs SOLD AS SEEN clean card with a a little bit of a rough cut AS issued, as when new. SOLD AS SEEN
1961 Gerry Baker USA national soccer team player, Scottish A&BC Gum card #36 Hibs SOLD AS SEEN clean card with a a little bit of a rough cut AS issued, as when new. SOLD AS SEEN
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