1960s Spanish DisgraFher Stan Anderson Sunderland Newcastle Middlesbrough England
From Spain 1962 Spanish DisgraFher Stan Anderson Sunderland Newcastle Middlesbrough England.Plain back has light gum marks, but the paper is intact.AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE ANDERSON ENGLAND RELIC!
1960s Spanish DisgraFher Stan Anderson Sunderland Newcastle Middlesbrough England
From Spain 1962 Spanish DisgraFher Stan Anderson Sunderland Newcastle Middlesbrough England.Plain back has light gum marks, but the paper is intact.AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE ANDERSON ENGLAND RELIC!
From Spain 1962 Spanish DisgraFher Stan Anderson Sunderland Newcastle Middlesbrough England.Plain back has light gum marks, but the paper is intact.AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE ANDERSON ENGLAND RELIC!
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