1960s Italian Lampo gum card Gerry Hitchens Cardiff Villa Worcester Inter Torino England

78 goals in just 132 matches for Aston Villa! Almost 1 goal every 2 matches for Inter. He was something in his day!This 1960s Italian Lampo gum card of Gerry Hitchens, Cardiff Villa Worcester Inter... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1960s Italian Lampo gum card Gerry Hitchens Cardiff Villa Worcester Inter Torino England
78 goals in just 132 matches for Aston Villa! Almost 1 goal every 2 matches for Inter. He was something in his day!This 1960s Italian Lampo gum card of Gerry Hitchens, Cardiff Villa Worcester Inter... Read more
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Australia NZ far east etc £20
78 goals in just 132 matches for Aston Villa! Almost 1 goal every 2 matches for Inter. He was something in his day!This 1960s Italian Lampo gum card of Gerry Hitchens, Cardiff Villa Worcester Inter Torino and England,has a PLAIN CARD back, which has some very light gum marks, from where it was once attached, albeit lightly, to a page, but there is no damage to the card per se. LOW PRICE!
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