World CUp 4rd place player (1954) on a 1958 cardGerhard Hanappi (and Dieter) of Rapid Wien : Rapid Viennaand Austria, capped 93 times for his countrya very rare Yugoslavian trade card from c.1958
World CUp 4rd place player (1954) on a 1958 cardGerhard Hanappi (and Dieter) of Rapid Wien : Rapid Viennaand Austria, capped 93 times for his countrya very rare Yugoslavian trade card from c.1958
World CUp 4rd place player (1954) on a 1958 cardGerhard Hanappi (and Dieter) of Rapid Wien : Rapid Viennaand Austria, capped 93 times for his countrya very rare Yugoslavian trade card from c.1958
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