1955 Louison Bobet Italian pog by Idam Martesano Pozzuolo.An extrememly rare item by a rival-plastic-disc producer to Ferrero.Bobet won the Tour de France 3 times and many other notable cycling rac...
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1955 Louison Bobet Italian pog by Idam Martesano Pozzuolo.An extrememly rare item by a rival-plastic-disc producer to Ferrero.Bobet won the Tour de France 3 times and many other notable cycling rac...
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1955 Louison Bobet Italian pog by Idam Martesano Pozzuolo.An extrememly rare item by a rival-plastic-disc producer to Ferrero.Bobet won the Tour de France 3 times and many other notable cycling races, a legend on 2 wheels. SOLD AS SEEN
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