1954 WC54 Roger Byrne Man U Yugo WHITEMunich 1958 victim, Captain of The Busby Babesfour years earlier in 1954 at WC54 in SwitzerlandRoger Byrne England (Manchester United)Yugoslavian issue, photo...
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1954 WC54 Roger Byrne Man U Yugo WHITEMunich 1958 victim, Captain of The Busby Babesfour years earlier in 1954 at WC54 in SwitzerlandRoger Byrne England (Manchester United)Yugoslavian issue, photo...
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1954 WC54 Roger Byrne Man U Yugo WHITEMunich 1958 victim, Captain of The Busby Babesfour years earlier in 1954 at WC54 in SwitzerlandRoger Byrne England (Manchester United)Yugoslavian issue, photo from Bern1954 WC match England Switzerlandversion: WHITER with letterpress name
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