1950 Tommy Johnstone of Kilmarnockto Darlington in 195, thence Norwich City and two spells at Leyton OrientGolden Series #42NOTE: AMR top of rearHowever, cards from series 2 of the GS, the higher n...
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1950 Tommy Johnstone of Kilmarnockto Darlington in 195, thence Norwich City and two spells at Leyton OrientGolden Series #42NOTE: AMR top of rearHowever, cards from series 2 of the GS, the higher n...
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1950 Tommy Johnstone of Kilmarnockto Darlington in 195, thence Norwich City and two spells at Leyton OrientGolden Series #42NOTE: AMR top of rearHowever, cards from series 2 of the GS, the higher numbers, like this, are extremely rare
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