1948 England 10 Nov Wilkes archive card.Milburn, Mortensen, Matthews and fellow 3 LionsThe card is in FANTASTIC condition!This is a "Wilkes of West Bromwich" photo archive card.Wilkes was a photogr...
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1948 England 10 Nov Wilkes archive card.Milburn, Mortensen, Matthews and fellow 3 LionsThe card is in FANTASTIC condition!This is a "Wilkes of West Bromwich" photo archive card.Wilkes was a photogr...
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1948 England 10 Nov Wilkes archive card.Milburn, Mortensen, Matthews and fellow 3 LionsThe card is in FANTASTIC condition!This is a "Wilkes of West Bromwich" photo archive card.Wilkes was a photography studio and took many of theseasonal photos of footballers and teams between 1910-1970.The card has a PLAIN back, with a rubber stamp mark from the Wilkes firm
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