1948 -1953 Tom Finney quintet, Phillips Sports packet issues, 2 paper 3 card, quasi rookie cards x5

The set of all 5 versions! From 1948 -1953 the quintet of Tom Finney Phillips Sports packet issues, 2 paper and 3 card, the earliest of which are quasi rookie cards from 1948. This Fivesome of rare... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1948 -1953 Tom Finney quintet, Phillips Sports packet issues, 2 paper 3 card, quasi rookie cards x5
The set of all 5 versions! From 1948 -1953 the quintet of Tom Finney Phillips Sports packet issues, 2 paper and 3 card, the earliest of which are quasi rookie cards from 1948. This Fivesome of rare... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
The set of all 5 versions! From 1948 -1953 the quintet of Tom Finney Phillips Sports packet issues, 2 paper and 3 card, the earliest of which are quasi rookie cards from 1948. This Fivesome of rare Tom Finney Phillips Sports packet issue cards is supremely rare, nt least because Tom, along with Stanley Matthews, was the greatest English footballer of his day, but becasue having all 5 of the 5 issues is almost impossible. SOLD AS SEEN, buyer gets 5 cards, cut (as intended by the manufacturer) from various Phillips "Sports" cigarette boxes and packets SOLD AS SEEN
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