Official 1938 original red variety (also available in blue) World Cup '38French private issue by organisers of the WC38 tournamentknown in stamp collecting as a "cinderella" or a "poster stamp"the...
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Official 1938 original red variety (also available in blue) World Cup '38French private issue by organisers of the WC38 tournamentknown in stamp collecting as a "cinderella" or a "poster stamp"the...
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Official 1938 original red variety (also available in blue) World Cup '38French private issue by organisers of the WC38 tournamentknown in stamp collecting as a "cinderella" or a "poster stamp"these were used by the French FA on letters and envelopesas a way of advertising the event. VERY RARE! Collected by stamp collectorsas well as football thus it has a cross-over of interests.NOTE this has been adhered and also has a stamp hinge mark to the rear
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