1934 World Cup winner & much besides, Luigi Allemandi trade card in style of postcard
1934 Inter's Luigi Allemandi on a chocolates trade card designed as a mini-postcard. Allemandi was in Italy's WC34 winning squad, won 2 Copa Internazionali and two Serie A championships!
1934 World Cup winner & much besides, Luigi Allemandi trade card in style of postcard
1934 Inter's Luigi Allemandi on a chocolates trade card designed as a mini-postcard. Allemandi was in Italy's WC34 winning squad, won 2 Copa Internazionali and two Serie A championships!
1934 Inter's Luigi Allemandi on a chocolates trade card designed as a mini-postcard. Allemandi was in Italy's WC34 winning squad, won 2 Copa Internazionali and two Serie A championships!
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