late 1920s or 1930s "baby foot" (table football) postcard from France.Women's football avante gardeTHIS CARD is seen in the book An A-Z of Football Collectibles, on the cover flapthis is a rare and...
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late 1920s or 1930s "baby foot" (table football) postcard from France.Women's football avante gardeTHIS CARD is seen in the book An A-Z of Football Collectibles, on the cover flapthis is a rare and...
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late 1920s or 1930s "baby foot" (table football) postcard from France.Women's football avante gardeTHIS CARD is seen in the book An A-Z of Football Collectibles, on the cover flapthis is a rare and beautiful gem, the kitchen and house staff at play, between shifts.CREASED but timeless and ... priceless!
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