1930 Teasdale sweet cigarettes Derby v Pompey trade card
Very rare 1930 Teasdale sweet cigarettes Derby v Pompey trade card.(identified as such through the similar Gallaher card upon which it was based)Teesdale cards are 1000 times rarer than Gallaher ca...
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1930 Teasdale sweet cigarettes Derby v Pompey trade card
Very rare 1930 Teasdale sweet cigarettes Derby v Pompey trade card.(identified as such through the similar Gallaher card upon which it was based)Teesdale cards are 1000 times rarer than Gallaher ca...
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Very rare 1930 Teasdale sweet cigarettes Derby v Pompey trade card.(identified as such through the similar Gallaher card upon which it was based)Teesdale cards are 1000 times rarer than Gallaher cards! This is a gem.Plain back.
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