1930 s -1960 boxing mixture Globo Gum Heinerle Monopol Epox Margarine 34 rare boxing cards

at less than £2 each card this is a bargain! You get 34 rare cards dating from the 1930 s -1960 boxing mixture Globo Gum Heinerle Monopol and a quad of Epox Margarine boxers, all in all 34 rare box... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1930 s -1960 boxing mixture Globo Gum Heinerle Monopol Epox Margarine 34 rare boxing cards
at less than £2 each card this is a bargain! You get 34 rare cards dating from the 1930 s -1960 boxing mixture Globo Gum Heinerle Monopol and a quad of Epox Margarine boxers, all in all 34 rare box... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
at less than £2 each card this is a bargain! You get 34 rare cards dating from the 1930 s -1960 boxing mixture Globo Gum Heinerle Monopol and a quad of Epox Margarine boxers, all in all 34 rare boxing cards, mostly clean but some of the Monopol sepia cards have AmR, mixed condition lot, sold as seen
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