1926 Francesco Casartelli & Silvio Pietroboni INTER Rare Malugani card
From no later than 1926 (due to Francesco Casartelli's 1926 move from inter) this shows the afore-mentioned player with the great Silvio Pietroboni, for INTER, on a very rare Malugani chocolates ca...
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1926 Francesco Casartelli & Silvio Pietroboni INTER Rare Malugani card
From no later than 1926 (due to Francesco Casartelli's 1926 move from inter) this shows the afore-mentioned player with the great Silvio Pietroboni, for INTER, on a very rare Malugani chocolates ca...
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From no later than 1926 (due to Francesco Casartelli's 1926 move from inter) this shows the afore-mentioned player with the great Silvio Pietroboni, for INTER, on a very rare Malugani chocolates card from Italy. SOLD AS SEEN
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