1920s African football Anglican Missionaries postcard Malawi Likoma Nyasaland Colonies
Amazing, circa 1920s Universities' Mission to Central Africa football relic!,The postcard was issued by Anglican Missionaries from Oxbridge, Dublin and Durham Universities.It show a soccer scene fr...
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1920s African football Anglican Missionaries postcard Malawi Likoma Nyasaland Colonies
Amazing, circa 1920s Universities' Mission to Central Africa football relic!,The postcard was issued by Anglican Missionaries from Oxbridge, Dublin and Durham Universities.It show a soccer scene fr...
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Amazing, circa 1920s Universities' Mission to Central Africa football relic!,The postcard was issued by Anglican Missionaries from Oxbridge, Dublin and Durham Universities.It show a soccer scene from Malawi, from the island football club, on Likoma.Malawi was formerly Nyasaland, a British colony.
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