Rangers Hall of Famer.1914 People's Journal Jimmy "Jas" Gordon for Glasgow RangersHe also played with Hearts, Fulham and Dunfermline.He set up billiards halls with Jimmy Galt, after footballPerfora...
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Rangers Hall of Famer.1914 People's Journal Jimmy "Jas" Gordon for Glasgow RangersHe also played with Hearts, Fulham and Dunfermline.He set up billiards halls with Jimmy Galt, after footballPerfora...
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Rangers Hall of Famer.1914 People's Journal Jimmy "Jas" Gordon for Glasgow RangersHe also played with Hearts, Fulham and Dunfermline.He set up billiards halls with Jimmy Galt, after footballPerforations missing but ... this may well be the only one available,if not the only remaining example, in the world!
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