1914 London Mixture Taddy tobacco card of J.Whibley Crystal Palace
1914 London Mixture Taddy tobacco card of J.Whibley, Crystal PalaceLondon Mixture Taddy cards are far rarer than the first series of Taddy cards, those without footnotes, and are usually the most d...
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1914 London Mixture Taddy tobacco card of J.Whibley Crystal Palace
1914 London Mixture Taddy tobacco card of J.Whibley, Crystal PalaceLondon Mixture Taddy cards are far rarer than the first series of Taddy cards, those without footnotes, and are usually the most d...
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1914 London Mixture Taddy tobacco card of J.Whibley, Crystal PalaceLondon Mixture Taddy cards are far rarer than the first series of Taddy cards, those without footnotes, and are usually the most difficult Taddy cards to find. This is one of them!
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