1909 Bob Crompton Hall of Fame Blackburn Rovers player & manager legend, H J Packers card LOW PRICE

This would be £1000 were it better condition. 1909 Bob Crompton, the Hall of Fame legendary 25-years-at Blackburn Rovers as a star player & 6 more years as a successful manager, a legend in his own... Read more

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Australia NZ far east etc £20

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1909 Bob Crompton Hall of Fame Blackburn Rovers player & manager legend, H J Packers card LOW PRICE
This would be £1000 were it better condition. 1909 Bob Crompton, the Hall of Fame legendary 25-years-at Blackburn Rovers as a star player & 6 more years as a successful manager, a legend in his own... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
This would be £1000 were it better condition. 1909 Bob Crompton, the Hall of Fame legendary 25-years-at Blackburn Rovers as a star player & 6 more years as a successful manager, a legend in his own lifetime and is now considered on of the greatest of all time in the English leagues. A very very rare H J  Packers chocolates card, issued with glue to the back in 1909 (they came glued into a confectionery packet). Damage, corner off SOLD AS SEEN low price reflects condition
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