1904 Joe Bache legendary Aston Villa and England player postcard Birmingham Novelty Co rare issue

The greatest Aston Villa player, ever? Arguably so. He also won 7 caps. In those times,  7 caps is like 70 caps today. Internationals were few & far between compared to now. This card dates from th... Read more

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1904 Joe Bache legendary Aston Villa and England player postcard Birmingham Novelty Co rare issue
The greatest Aston Villa player, ever? Arguably so. He also won 7 caps. In those times,  7 caps is like 70 caps today. Internationals were few & far between compared to now. This card dates from th... Read more
Shipping info
Australia NZ far east etc £20
The greatest Aston Villa player, ever? Arguably so. He also won 7 caps. In those times,  7 caps is like 70 caps today. Internationals were few & far between compared to now. This card dates from the early 1900's, pencil dated 1904, Joe Bache the legendary Aston Villa and England player on a very rare postcard made by the Birmingham Novelty Co., sold as seen
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