1898 Ogden's Harry Rennie HEARTS General Interest series - not 1902 as some sights state!
1898 Ogden's Harry Rennie HEARTS General Interest series - not 1902 as some sights wrongly state! Rennie left Hearts in mid 1900, and other cards in this series such as Donald Gow for Sunderland -...
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1898 Ogden's Harry Rennie HEARTS General Interest series - not 1902 as some sights state!
1898 Ogden's Harry Rennie HEARTS General Interest series - not 1902 as some sights wrongly state! Rennie left Hearts in mid 1900, and other cards in this series such as Donald Gow for Sunderland -...
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1898 Ogden's Harry Rennie HEARTS General Interest series - not 1902 as some sights wrongly state! Rennie left Hearts in mid 1900, and other cards in this series such as Donald Gow for Sunderland - he left them in 1897! - show this set has long been badly dated, it's well before 1902! Sold as seen
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